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The Safest Herbs for Insomnia and Restlessness for All Ages

Melissa Ieraci

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

Insomnia and restless is something I hear of regularly in my practice. Getting to the root cause of the sleep issue will offer long lasting, permanent results.

For example, your sleeping troubles may be caused by hormonal fluctuations, anxiety or depression, poor nutrition or lifestyle habits. By addressing these health concerns, insomnia will resolve on it's own. However, sometimes you need some extra support to get you through those tough weeks where your nervous system feels over stimulated.

Consider the following gentle herbs, that are safe to use for all ages, including children and breastfeeding moms.

Milky oat seed Milky oat seed nourishes your nerves and adrenals. It is extremely gentle and can be used by breastfeeding mothers and children. It is useful when feeling over stimulated or depleted, for example when stressed, over-worked, after pulling all-nighters and after long road trips. Lemon Balm a member of the mint family, this herb is also gentle and appropriate in all ages. It calms without sedating and can be used in anxiety, restlessness, inattention, hyperactivity and of course, insomnia. Added bonus: Lemon balms (along with other herbs in the mint family) hep with digestion and is useful in nervous indigestion. it is also an anti-viral, you may have seen it as an ingredient in your natural antiviral ointments. For my young patients who are hyperactive, and have a hard time getting settled for bedtime, I recommend a concoction of equal parts milky oat seed and lemon balm, 1 hr before bed. Lastly, Chamomile: Chamomile may be the most popular herb for infants and children. The homeopathic versions works extremely well for this age group. It has a gentle calming effect on the nerves and helps agitation, anxiety and insomnia. It also famously improves digestion, dispels colic and bloating. It is useful for pain and teething and that's why it is the number one homeopathic remedy for choice for very fussy teethers. Disclaimer: For Infants and toddlers 5-10 lbs, administer Approximately 1/16 of the adult dose

2-5 drops for tincture or 1/2 -1 tsp for tea


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